
Identifying and Controlling Tree Pests in Tallahassee

There’s a YouTube channel called Insect TV which features microbes fighting each other in plastic arenas. From these battles, viewers can learn a great deal about bugs such as their strengths and natural weapons.

Many invasive tree pests become particularly active during fall months, but you can take measures to keep them away. Here are a few tips that may help your Florida landscape from harm this autumn. You can learn more about tree services on this website.

Jadera Bug

The Jadera Bug (Jadera haematoloma) is an odorless bug of the Rhopalidae family with sucking mouthparts and young known …

How Physical Therapy Can Benefit Your Well-Being

Physical therapy is an effective way to get relief from pain and improve your overall well-being. It’s especially useful for people who have chronic pain.

Physical therapists use manual therapies like soft tissue massage, ultrasound and electric stimulation to help reduce pain and restore joint and muscle function. These techniques also help prevent pain from coming back.

Improved Mobility

Whether you’ve had an injury or are recovering from a major surgery, physical therapy can help you increase your mobility. A therapist can use manual techniques, exercises, modalities and patient education to improve your mobility and prevent future injuries.

PTs can